Can I just tell you how absolutely thrilled I am for these parents-to-be?
I met Mike the night I met my husband.
He befriended my husband when Steve first moved to South Florida
and we have shared some great times together ever since.
Mike and his wife Sheli are expecting their first baby next month
and I couldn't be more excited for them.
Although they don't know the gender yet (it will be a surprise),
they refer to the baby as "the dude". How funny!
They are amazing people who will be awesome parents
(and in less than a month's time).
Sheli is and always will be simply stunning.
The future daddy was just filled with happiness and
eagerness to meet "the dude".
Congratulations to you both...can't wait to meet you bundle of dudeness!

Just a little side note...
Mama Sheli arrived to our session with a sweet surprise:
banana muffins with chocolate chips! YUM!!!
They were fantastic! Mady and I enjoyed every savory morsel!
Although I think Mady might've been more interested in the
chocolate chips. :)
Thanks again Sheli!
1 comment:
ABSOLUTELY STUNNING. how is it that Sheli looks exactly the same as she did on her wedding day, but with a little basketball bump? I need to be just as in shape before I get pregnant, and maybe i'll look just as good as her. Simply radiant. :) Mike looks so happy and excited. I just cannot wait to meet "the dude"!! :) Great photos!!
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