...will be forced to pose for photos!
Yup, that's how it goes in my household. :)
I promise, no babies or toddlers were harmed in the making of this blog post.
First of all, I know that my daughter is a toddler, but I still consider her my BABY.
Of course...all moms think this way about their kids.
Secondly, for the record, it was Mady's choice not to take her nap (on time) yesterday.
(She eventually did.)
She was quite excited to wear her new purple skirt and purple chucks.
As I was setting up my backdrop and lighting, she kept saying "cool".
Yes, that's right Mady, this is VERY cool.
I thought I'd treat this blog post as a small intro to post production
and what I do, and what is usually done by most photographers, after the photos are taken.
The magic doesn't stop at the camera...there is still editing, editing, editing to be done.
I've posted a few images to see how post production
is a big part of the process (and I was testing out a new applied texture technique).
A few abbreviations:
SOOC - straight out of the camera
BL - before lollipop
AL - after lollipop
Mady is so used to the camera that sometimes it takes a little
encouragement (ahem, bribes) for her to sit still, let alone pose for me.
And yes, I do have a stash of these lollipops in my studio.

OMGoodness, these have to be the CUTEST pictures ever!! Love them!
These are great Ann. I enjoyed learning a little about your process. I hope you'll give me a tour of the studio sometime!
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